Cloud Computing Engine (CCE)

One step deployment: CCE can create container clusters in just a few clicks
and deploy and maintain your containerized applications.

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Product Advantages

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Diversified Computing

Heterogeneous compute power is supported, including x86, Kunpeng, and Ascend, backed by years of industry experience.

High & Robust Performance

Zero-loss passthrough networking and elastic scaling in seconds to handle burst traffic.

Open and Compatible Ecosystem

CCE is compatible with native Kubernetes APIs and kubectl. Updates from Kubernetes and Docker communities are regularly incorporated into CCE.

Easy to Use

Creating and managing aKubernetes cluster is as easy as a few clicks on the web console. Resize clusters and workload by setting auto scaling policies. CCE supports turnkey Helm charts.

Why CCE?

One-Step Deployment and O&M

  • You can create clusters in just a few clicks and deploy and maintain your containerized applications all on CCE.

Zero-Loss Passthrough Networking

  • Cloud Native 2.0 flattens container networks with VPCs and elastic network interfaces (ENIs) integrated for zero-loss passthrough networking.
  • Automatic scaling in seconds easily handles burst traffic.

High Security and Reliability for Service Availability

  • Three master nodes are configured on the control plane for cluster HA. Nodes and applications in a cluster can be deployed across AZs.
  • Kata Containers allow containers to run inside lightweight VMs.
  • Your clusters are private and subject to role-based access control (RBAC).

Application Scenarios

Run virtually any business-critical applications or compute tasks via our CCE

Auto Scaling

Traffic Management

DevOps and CI/CD

AI Computing