Image Management
Service (IMS)

Image Management Service allows to easily create and manage cloud server and disk images.

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Product Advantages

Helps to manage the entire lifecycle of the virtual server's image, such as, Operating Systems, Service Data, or necessary software.


You can create a full-ECS image, including the data disk, based on an existing ECS server. You can also create new ECS servers in batches.


Images are stored in OBS buckets ensuring excellent data durability.


Managing images is easy through the management console or using APIs.


You can use images to uniformly deploy or upgrade applications, ensuring consistency in your application environments.


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Image Creation

You can create a private image based on an existing server, an external image file, or a server backup.

Server Creation

Images can be cloned for use in batch deployments.


IMS supports mainstream OSs, such as Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian.

Image Management

Private images can be easily modified or deleted. System and data disk images can be shared with other tenants.